There are 3 colors in The Gods Of Mount Olympus - Zeus Mini Collection.
(Every mini collection comes with a scratch off ticket... every ticket is a winner! Prizes range from discount codes up to 50% off, giftcards up to $25, and free products including dip liquids sets)
*Currently only available as a collection.
Zeus - A cold thermal and glow, Zeus starts off as a beautiful blue grey that changes to a dark stormy grey when it gets cold, much like it does when it storms outside. The color and it's change represent the sky that Zeus rules over - blue when the sky is clear, but turns dark when it storms. The bright blue glow represents the glow from a lightning bolt - it's as bright as his might is strong!
Storm Clouds - A stunning glow glitter dip powder, a dark grey - almost black - extra-fine glitter base mixed with larger hexagon shaped holographic/iridescent glow-in-the-dark glitter chunks, meant to represent the dark storm clouds when Zeus is angry. The glow represents the lightning streaking through the clouds during a storm.
Thunderbolt - a gorgeous glow white dip powder with gorgeous blue shimmer represents the clouds when Zeus is not angry, and the gold and silver holographic lightning bolt glitter pieces represent Zeus' thunderbolt. Of course she glows, too!
The Story of Zeus
Zeus, the King of the Gods, ruler of the sky, is the mightiest of the Gods of Mount Olympus. He was fated to be eaten by his father Kronos (also known to be spelled Cronos or Cronus), but his mother Rhea couldn't stand to lose another child to her husbands fear of being overthrown by one of his 6 children, as it was prophesied. So Rhea hid when she had Zeus, and secretly handed him over to be raised by the Nymphs of Mt. Dikte on the island of Crete, so that he would be saved. The Nymphs would bang their weapons together when baby Zeus cried, so that Kronos would not hear him. Rhea then tricked Kronos by giving him a rock wrapped in blankets. Thinking it was baby Zeus, he swallowed the rock. (Some versions of mythology say baby Zeus was given to his grandmother, Gaea (Earth), a primeval goddess, to hide and raise.)
When Zeus was old enough, he and his mother planned to get his siblings back - Demeter, Hestia, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon - by disguising himself in a way that Kronos would not recognize him, and trick him into drinking a potion that would make Kronos throw up his grown children. This caused the beginning of the Titan War.
Zeus convinced his siblings to revolt against the titans, and Kronos threw his siblings, the cyclopes and Hecatonchieres, into Tartarus.
Zeus freed the cyclopes from the pit of Tartarus, and in addition to aiding them in the titan war, they gifted Zeus with a lightning bolt (or thunderbolt).
Together Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon defeated Kronos, and the 3 brothers divided up the world to rule over - Poseidon ruled over the seas, Hades the underworld, and Zeus ruled the sky. The land could not be claimed by just one, so the 3 brothers shared the ruling of the Earth. Zeus is considered to be the mightiest of all the Greek Gods, and so as mythology goes...he took his place as the King Of The Gods Of Mount Olympus.

Zeus is considered the youngest and the oldest out of his siblings, since he was the last born, but his siblings were "reborn" after their father Kronos threw them up.

He was called the father (ruler and protector) of both gods and men.

Zeus had multiple wives (7 total), but Hera was his final wife. After rejecting his advances, he finally tricked Hera into marring him. He was not faithful even to her, and this made her very jealous.

Zeus ate his first wife Metis (who was pregnant with Athena), after an Oracle revealed that she would have a son after Athena, that would replace Zeus as King Of The Gods.

It is estimated that Zeus had 57 sexual partners, both willing and unwilling, and both mortal and immortal.

Often times, Zeus would turn into an animal to seduce or trick his love interest.

It is estimated that Zeus had at least 92 children - at least 41 of them divine, and 51 mortal.

The symbols of Zeus are the lightning bolt (thunderbolt), an eagle and an ox.

Zeus' winged horse Pegasus carried his lightning bolts, and he trained an eagle to retrieve them.